Friday, February 25, 2011

Pairanormal Friday, February 25, 2011

Last time we discussed Movie Curses and how they affected those around them. The question still remains can they travel outside of the film? What if you knew a car from a movie was cursed, would you still buy it? Props and more leave the sets and are sold to people regularly, could that curse be given to you and if so what could you do? 

Join us as our Special Guest, Best Selling, Award Winning, Author Andrea Dean Van Scoyoc sits down with us and talks about these curses and more.  Andrea has been an AMAZING and THRILLING guest in past shows and she returns by popular demand to help us continue this topic.

**WARNING** Pairanormal is an addicting paranormal radio show and there is a way to get MORE!  You can get FREE podcasts from I-Tunes.  Just go under Podcasts and search Pairanormal.  Find out why Pairanormal is the #1 requested show and why radio stations are asking them to air on their station.


Who is EW Bradfute? 

EW is an Author, Screen Play Writter, Producer and Radio host. He has become a name in both Hollywood and Radio. You can hear EW's voice regularly on TMV Cafe with a great group of other hosts!

Book Reviews:

"Mr. Bradfute is a mysterious storyteller that captured my attention from the start. The ending left me wanting more, because I honestly still have no idea who the Mortal Vampire truly is! The Mortal Vampire: Second Bite is the first book in a Suspense/Thriller series that I would highly recommend and will definitely be reading as the stories seek another victim. Mr. Bradfute is a new name to the literary world and I know we will be hearing more from him in the future!" Crystal of Crystal's Book Reviews.

"The Slasher by E.W. Bradfute reminded me of my college days, of those scary walks across campus late at night, where every shadow hid a possible axe murderer and a falling leaf would have me skittering for cover." Author Ann B. Keller

Review on Screenplay
"I liked this one...kept my interest until the end with a twist to boot. I felt like I was watching a Sunday night who dunnit mystery. A vampire is on the loose in San Antonio...he sucks the victims' blood in daylight. Massive numbers of bodies are found dead with the same mo...including the police captain's son and a newbie officer. Weird things happen and all seem to center around the local hospital. There's a shooting scene at the hospital, a martial arts fight between the vampire and a dude, a severe car crash and lots of scene changes to support the plot." Purrarri Pictures

Enjoy TMV Cafe as all the hosts come together and give you entertaining and informative shows as well as your opportunity to listen to EW as he goes live during his shows.