Friday, September 6, 2013

Sheriff No More Chapter 4 - Baked!

Chapter 4 – Baked!

The sun made the trek brutal and unbearable. John’s stead collapsed to the ground, exhausted and parched.  John found himself without the energy or strength to move or even aid the horse at the moment.  He laid there as the sun’s intense rays beamed.

Waves of heat dance across the ground before him as shadows waltzed their way back and forth. A familiar shadow emerged and approached him.  Williams’ tiny figure reached out to him as John exhaled his name.

“Daddy, come find me Daddy!”

“I’m here son, don’t you worry any,” John said.

“Daddy, I’m a big boy now!  I’m gonna be just like you.”


“He’s our boy now, Sheriff!” The Beverly Brothers yelled out as they circled John’s scorched body. The dust the horses were kicking up filled the air and the images of William and the Beverly Brothers faded away. 

“Will…” John said as darkness encompassed his vision.

From time to time he could hear the sounds of chants and caught the familiar scent of smoke, but his parched body refused to move.  The only light he could make out was that of a fire burning nearby. The faces of people surrounding him remained blurred, but the voices and chants, were all too familiar. 


Comanche Indians to be exact.  They were said to pillage and destroy anything that crossed their paths kidnapping women and children while scalping the men and painting their faces with the blood that was shed. John knew that wasn't true. 

As he faded in and out of consciousness, John remembered the first time he discovered the Comanche. One of the local farmers’ calves had gotten loose and wandered off. The farmer had asked John if he could her bring back home.  John had scoured the woods and the surrounding areas of the town but never found the calf.  As he ventured into the northern woods a stirring grasped his attention.   Standing in the woods were women and children covered in snow.  John could see the looks on their faces and knew they were starving. Lying almost lifeless on the ground was Lone Wolf. 

John approached them with concern, he knew they were in need of help and didn't have anyone at the moment.  The women moved back as he drew closer, unsure of his intentions.  He dismounted his horse and rushed to Lone Wolf’s side.  He placed his hand under Lone Wolf’s nose feeling for breath, it was faint but he was breathing.  He pointed to the ladies and then to the trees motioning to bring branches as he cleared a hole in the snow until he found ground. As they brought him sticks he quickly prepared a fire.  First a small fire and then bigger and bigger until it was enough to warm them all up. 

They murmured amongst themselves as he finished with the fire.  He mounted his steed and rode over the hill rapidly towards his land.  As he approached he could see his wife out throwing food for the hens and holding her belly with their unborn child.  She turned and watched him ride up, a look of concern filled his face and she could read it. He explained to her what had happened and that he was taking two of their cows to help get the Comanche through the winter.

The cattle and some corn they shared with the Comanche helped save Lone Wolf’s life and the few that stayed with him through that winter.  John did a good job of not letting the town folks know about the Comanche that stayed there and as soon as they could move on, they did. 

John never expected to see them again, yet he was in a teepee, unsure if it was Lone Wolf or some other tribe helping him move on past this life, but the chanting was familiar. 

Everytime he woke, someone was there to offer him a drink.  The smoke from the fire clouded the teepee making it impossible to see who surrounded him, but he had gained the strength to speak.

“Where am…” He muttered.

A voice spoke through the smoke. “You must rest.  Your strength will come back.”

“Who’s that?”

“Lone Wolf take care of Sherriff as Sherriff took care of Lone Wolf.”

                                                                   * * * * *

Days passed while John gathered his strength.  The brutal desert took all it could from him, his body was baked and as the sun continued to beam down on him it took what little strength him and the horse had to go any further.

As John finished getting his cloths back on in the teepee he could hear gun shots outside. The tribe could be heard scrambling and defending their land and people.  John quickly ran out to find two of the Beverly Brothers gang riding around shooting and screaming about old Tom’s horse.  They didn’t see John as he grabbed his gun and ran out to aid his friends.

John watched Joe Bob ride into the center of the camp racing to unstrap the horse.  He lifted his head as John approached him.  Joe Bob trembled as he stared John down and scrambled for his gun. 

“Sherriff, wait.” Joe Bob screamed.

Without hesitation John pulled the trigger and finished Joe Bob’s reign of terror.  John remembered that Joe Bob had often been seen with his brother.  His name was Jesse, and he was known for his fast draw and horrible shot.

Jesse rushed over to Joe Bob. His limp, lifeless body dangled from the side of his horse as the horse slowly wobbled away from the camp. Jesse peered towards the camp as John walked towards him.

“Wait, you’re supposed to be dead,” Jesse said.

“Maybe I already died.”

“This can’t be!  I saw you! I saw you lay dead in the desert.”

“I won’t die until I get my boy back.” John said as he laid his hand on his gun.  “Now, where’s he at?”

“You don’t have to worry about him, Sherriff. It’s me you have to worry about.”

Jesse quickly drew his gun and fired.  The shot hit a nearby tree and splinters flew in all directions.
Before John could fire back, an arrow flew into Jesse’s arm, forcing him to drop the gun. The Comanche had him surrounded and closed in on him. Jesse screamed and tried to ride through the human barrier, but there was too many of them.

John walked up to Jesse and took the horse by the reigns. “Before you see the end of your life, you will tell me where my boy is, even if it means hanging your hide from a tree by your toes.  You’ll wish you were dead, but you won’t see death until I know where my boy’s at!”

Jesse screamed again as the Comanche drug him off his mount and into a teepee.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Attempting to Keep Up. Part II

Hello All, 

Thank you guys for the comments, I have had a few on Facebook and Google, really cool to know you guys are reading them. 

So, Health first!  

September 11th, I get to meet with a Nutritionist. She will help me with eating properly, but on a good note, 25 pounds down so far.  25 may not seem like a big number, but it does make a difference.  I feel a tad lighter, my clothes are getting looser, and I can see feet.  Seeing my feet reminds me I really need to find a way to help reduce the swelling.  The water pill I have to take hasn’t made a difference on that.  One doctor suggests that I wear those stockings to help my circulation.  What do you think?

Writing, good news, I do have another chapter of “Sheriff No More.” I just need to finish the edits that my wonderful editor showed to me. Once that is done I should have it up by this weekend, time permitting.

Oh and let me tell you about an AWESOME band! Madison and the Funk Directive.  Great group of people!  They have two sax players, a trumpet player, guitar, bass, and a drummer, but together their sound is GREAT.  We are working on getting them videos up of their performances and then some other great things are in the works.  Soon, I will get to tell you of some big performances of theirs that is coming up, but you can check out their Facebook page at “LIKE” their page today and keep track of their shows, because if you get a chance to listen, I assure you that you won’t be disappointed.

Had some hiccups with the Station this week.  I am still working hard to make the changes and get things smooth, but sometimes it doesn’t happen overnight. In this case we have been working on it since Tuesday and only have minor results as of yet.  I have even discovered a problem with podcasts hitting iTunes right now. Don’t you worry any that too is being worked on.  I wondered why people asked about the podcasts, but I had no clue they were not listing as they should.  Sometimes that is a minor programming code error and sometimes it is something bigger, but it takes checking every little detail until we get it fixed.

As you can see, I do strive hard to get you all top quality on everything I do.  From creating images, banners, menus, to music, band, the station, and business consulting, no matter what it is, I give my best to keep people happy. Yes, you saw that right, Business Consulting.  I have been helping businesses for years with increasing their sales or traffic.  I did get a business degree and work to help people reach their goals.  I have a proven track record of that and trust me it is a joy to hear companies tell me things like, “I can’t believe something that simple can make such a big difference.”

Anyway, I have been working hard this last week and will continue until I know all is well.  Keep your eyes open for the next chapter of “Sheriff No More.”

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Attempting to keep up. Part 1

Hello everyone, I know it has been a while since I have written and I am sorry.  My schedule from running the radio station to helping with other projects has made it difficult to write or sometimes think.  However, I wanted to do what I can to start again and maybe be more regular with this.  I am going to try and have positive things as well as the one thing everyone has constantly asked me about and that is my health.  I am not going to do a recap, it would just be easier to have you run back through the few posts and see all that. 
Health issues currently.  First, since they have removed the tumors and my thyroid I have to say I did get the feeling back in my legs, however they are very week, I still can’t walk long distances and now that I have feeling, I have more pain than before.  Mostly in the joints and why you ask?  Well that is coming up.  Still on the positive, I have lost weight.  Not a great deal of weight, but I have lost.

So WHY are the joints hurting?  According to my most recent doctor’s visit they are saying all these current health issues are due to weight.  Now, can we pause a moment and look at this?  If you remember that thyroid issues cause weight gain, and currently they are still trying to balance the medicine out.  That being said, how do you deal with weight issues if they haven’t balanced the medicine just right?  You can see in the medical journals it says if your certain thyroid levels are too high or too low then you gain weight.

What makes me laugh and think these doctors to be a big joke is both my kidney doctor and my main doctor are in the same system as my thyroid doctor and they can read each other’s notes, but both the kidney and main doctor tell me it all revolves around my weight.   Do you see what I mean?  Big joke right?
I had a scare and still do because there is a black spot one of my toe nails.  A friend of mine is in the medical field and he said that looks like the sign of poor circulation.  My regular doctor said, no it is just something that happens with old age and if you don’t like the look of it, just pain the toe nail.  (Insert bad word here.)
Well, that is just a portion of what is happening.  I will fill you in more on the next blog, that I do plan to put out soon.  On to more things…

TMV Café!  Oh my are we rocking it or what?  If you haven’t been paying attention to the station then you have to check it out.  We did a couple of music events so far and have more in the works.  We practically have a full weekly schedule as far as evening and weekend shows.  Heard about another award nomination, but haven’t pursued it due to my schedule.

I have been helping companies and giving them advice on how to increase their sales.  I have considered starting a consulting business for that.  I have a proven track record and really would like to help others out as well, but somewhere in there I have to follow the advice of others and get a little something back too.  Do you agree?

I am designing menus, websites, and other projects for people too.  Not to mention somewhere in there I need to turn around and get shows turned into MP3s and uploaded to their proper locations.  I sadly have to say I have slacked off there some because I am wearing myself out with all this work, but I will say I put the best quality into all I do.

What is next?  Well, I think I am going to take it one day at a time.  I am starting to practice breathing exercises so I can focus, stay calm, and keep a clear mind.  It isn’t anything bad, it is just 5 minutes of the day and it really does help. I suggest it if you haven’t ever tried it.

Keep an eye out because I am going to post again soon on the next part of what the doctors have told me to do and I have a feeling some of you are going to give me some interesting responses.  Also, I am going to attempt a NEW project for a cooking segment that I will post on Youtube and also on the TMV Café website.  So keep your eyes open for that too. 

Comment here and let me know what you think or if you have questions, I would be happy to answer them.  Let me hear from you.  Until then…Visit my FREE website too at, I have a spot on there the blogs show up too.  I will add a comment box soon and the services that I discussed earlier.  If you guys have suggestions to pricing or services I can offer, let me know.  I want to hear from you! 

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

5 years and more...

I write this and I have stopped writing in the blog because I don't really know how many of you actually read this.  Sure I have a thing that tells me the amount of readers and it shows quite a bit, but I haven't heard from you guys.  However, I want to let you know something and that is why I am writing on the blog today.

May 18th, of 2008 is when I started doing Live Radio broadcasts.  Many of you came to listen and have supported me ever since.  I can actually remember my very first interview, it was with an author friend of mine named T.M. Mason.  A great writer and wonderful friend.  It was because of him, I learned to be an author you shouldn't have to pay to get published and boy is that right.  Do you pay your employer to work? So why should we pay to get published, isn't it a job?

Anyway from there interview after interview.  Sure, I had my fair share of ups and downs.  Some with health, some with the poor choice of friends, some with just making the wrong decision.  I don't mind confessing when I am wrong, it helps with the next step of moving past the problem and getting to the next.  Now, I know you ask, "Why is he saying this part?" Truth be told that is how I moved along in radio to find myself where I am today.  I made some choices, I listened to some people, and I finally decided what many of us want to do, branch out on our own and make something of ourselves. It was a process but it did bring the birth of TMV Cafe Radio.

You guys have helped all the way.  Many of you my great friends, family, and fans have helped me make decisions along the way.  Some of you by talking, others by just listening to you.  You the fans of the shows have helped too, I know you might realize how, but I have listened to you guys too. I wouldn't be where I am today if it wasn't for ALL of you.

It is hard to believe it is going to be 5 years this month, but truth be told, I am proud to say it. 5 years is a long time for some and not long enough for others, but in 5 years look at all the people I have spoken with, met, and even had the opportunity to sit down to a meal with.  I would list names, but then I would have to write a book on just the names. Each and everyone of you that I have had the opportunity to speak with or even meet in person are awesome.   Thank you for allowing those chances to happen.

What is in store for the next 5 years?  Well, let's start with health permitting, I continue to grow with TMV Cafe Radio.  I have things in the works, films, events, Youtube shorts, and so much more.  It will all fall under the TMV Cafe umbrella and I can't wait to meet more of you guys. With my health improving some, I can say I plan on making conventions more regularly so that means you will get a chance to see me as well as more involvement in the community.

San Antonio is the roots of TMV Cafe Radio and I will continue to get out there and meet all of San Antonio as well as helping businesses get known, Indie Artists get heard, and people that are just plain amazing get seen. It's a goal and one I plan on trying to make happen sooner than later.

What about you guys?  What would you like to see in the next 5 years?  Let me know.  Let's see if we can make it happen!