Thursday, September 5, 2013

Attempting to Keep Up. Part II

Hello All, 

Thank you guys for the comments, I have had a few on Facebook and Google, really cool to know you guys are reading them. 

So, Health first!  

September 11th, I get to meet with a Nutritionist. She will help me with eating properly, but on a good note, 25 pounds down so far.  25 may not seem like a big number, but it does make a difference.  I feel a tad lighter, my clothes are getting looser, and I can see feet.  Seeing my feet reminds me I really need to find a way to help reduce the swelling.  The water pill I have to take hasn’t made a difference on that.  One doctor suggests that I wear those stockings to help my circulation.  What do you think?

Writing, good news, I do have another chapter of “Sheriff No More.” I just need to finish the edits that my wonderful editor showed to me. Once that is done I should have it up by this weekend, time permitting.

Oh and let me tell you about an AWESOME band! Madison and the Funk Directive.  Great group of people!  They have two sax players, a trumpet player, guitar, bass, and a drummer, but together their sound is GREAT.  We are working on getting them videos up of their performances and then some other great things are in the works.  Soon, I will get to tell you of some big performances of theirs that is coming up, but you can check out their Facebook page at “LIKE” their page today and keep track of their shows, because if you get a chance to listen, I assure you that you won’t be disappointed.

Had some hiccups with the Station this week.  I am still working hard to make the changes and get things smooth, but sometimes it doesn’t happen overnight. In this case we have been working on it since Tuesday and only have minor results as of yet.  I have even discovered a problem with podcasts hitting iTunes right now. Don’t you worry any that too is being worked on.  I wondered why people asked about the podcasts, but I had no clue they were not listing as they should.  Sometimes that is a minor programming code error and sometimes it is something bigger, but it takes checking every little detail until we get it fixed.

As you can see, I do strive hard to get you all top quality on everything I do.  From creating images, banners, menus, to music, band, the station, and business consulting, no matter what it is, I give my best to keep people happy. Yes, you saw that right, Business Consulting.  I have been helping businesses for years with increasing their sales or traffic.  I did get a business degree and work to help people reach their goals.  I have a proven track record of that and trust me it is a joy to hear companies tell me things like, “I can’t believe something that simple can make such a big difference.”

Anyway, I have been working hard this last week and will continue until I know all is well.  Keep your eyes open for the next chapter of “Sheriff No More.”

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